Monday, July 20, 2009

Sparklers late-night on the Corolla beach


It has been awhile since I last posted so it's time for an update (so far): June started out with a trip to OBX (the Outerbanks, for the non-locals out there) with my husband and 12 good friends. I had been to Nags Head, OBX back when I was about 10, but this summer we stayed in Corolla. Some of my favorite things to see and to do included:
-flying kites
-riding my pink beach cruiser bike (with basket in tow) up and down the main street
-sparklers late night on the beach
-cooking with friends and eating in
-lounging on the beach with the girls
-ghost crabs!
Here are a few photos:

a ghost crab afraid of the camera

yummy shish kabobs!

my husband and I on the beach

bountiful sea breeze= great kite-flying

Who doesn't love a little game of Pictionary?! Don't worry- my drawing of the expression- "ants in your pants"- won us the game!

tons of turtles

Also, word of advice- when driving your car on the beach, remember to let the air out of your tires first! We learned this the hard way...

Another exciting adventure of the summer took me to the Billy Joel/ Elton John concert at Nationals Stadium in Washington D.C. Billy Joel is my favorite singer! I grew up listening to his music in the 80s. This was my fourth BJ concert and my mom's FIRST...she had a blast! It started off somewhat rocky though...Elton John's piano pedal was stuck at first song. After politely excusing himself from the stage while his crew attended to the problem, BJ played a fabulous list of songs, including some of my favorites: "Allentown", "Don't Ask Me Why", "Just the Way You Are", and "Angry Young Man" to name a few. After Elton John returned to the stage, he played "Rocketman"! This song sounded AWESOME live! Billy Joel ended the concert by letting the audience sing the last verse of "Piano Man"!

In the meantime I have been preparing for an exciting fall in 6th Age!! I can't wait to meet my new class!

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