Monday, December 14, 2009

In a New York State of Mind...

I thought I'd start a new section titled: Who Is Mrs. Armstrong? I hope these posts will provide you with a better understanding of who I am and what I like to do outside of school.

This weekend I traveled to New York City with my best girlfriends, Katie and Molly. Our dads went to highschool and then law school together before we were born. Katie and I met at the YMCA when we were both 4 years old on our way to ballet. The first year she was a bluebird and I was a strawberry in the recital. I am still not sure to this day what ballet incoporates both fruit and animals, but if you have an idea, please let me know (haha). We would then go to elementary, middle, and highschool together. It wasn't until after college that we became roommates- we lived together for 3 years before I got married! Katie even introduced me to my would-be husband! No wonder she is my best friend!

I always knew of Molly growing up but we did not go to school together until highschool at Maryvale. Molly is very spirited, easy-going, and a great listener! We are still able to make time for early morning breakfasts despite our busy schedules (If you see me at the Evergreen early in the morning on a school day- Molly is probably by my side!).

Molly, Katie, and I lived together in Hampden for a year. We had so much fun! I still like to drop by unannounced for an impromptu dinner or evening out. I even have a key to make these visits feel "official".

Through thick and thin, Katie, Molly and I have been best friends. We even saved our pennies for a whole year to travel to Spain for two weeks a few summers back. It was amazing! We decided to open a "France" savings account this past fall to begin saving for our next trip- France Summer 2011! We want to take a cooking class, eat real croissants, and drink amazing wine. I can't wait!

For my birthday present this year, the girls and I traveled to New York! It was a short weekend but is packed with memories. We saw West Side Story (dare I say there were tears from us when the curtains closed?), ate at a fancy restaurant, and did some fun shopping. Our next trip together will be a spa day in the spring.

This picture of Katie and I was taken on an above ground park/garden in the meat-packing district, close to where we stayed. What a beautiful clear night it was!

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