Monday, March 14, 2011

Zoo Zurich and other attractions

This morning I woke up and had breakfast in our hotel before departing to the Swiss International School. It took a few questions from our hotel and passerbys (thank goodness everyone here basically speaks fluent English) to understand how to use the tram, but once aboard it was a ten minute ride to this private school. Situated on the west bank of the river, I met with my contact, a first grade British teacher named Peter. The school is notable because it is dual-languaged; thus, the students spend part of their day with one "English" teacher speaking only English and doing all coursework in this language, and then rotate either later on in the afternoon or the following day to a "German" teacher, speaking only German and doing all coursework in this language. I sat in on a pre-kindergarten classroom in English, and then traveled across the hall to a German pre-kindergarten classroom and was able to participate in a lesson with the students. How fun!
Below is a picture inside of Peter's room, reminding the students to speak in English:

To respect the privacy of the students, I am not able to post photos but can tell you how wonderful my experience was! For one, the day is very centered around play- here is a copy of the kindergarten classroom schedule (I apologize for the poor photo quality):

After the school visit, we ate at an Italian restaurant in the plaza by our hotel. What I have found so interesting is that there is such a mix of Swiss-German, German, French, and Italian languages in all parts of this city- during coversational exchange (it's common for many Swiss- Germans to greet you with "Hallo" or "Ciao" or say "Merci" for thank you) and on signage throughout the city. The culture here is very much a melting pot, if you will. Below is the copy of the receipt from lunch- notice the Italian language throughout, including at the bottom.

Following lunch we went to Zoo Zurich- on the opposite side of the city, but an easy tram ride. Watch the below video for a peak at some hippos!

We had a wonderful dinner at an authentic Swiss German restaurant- more details to come. I am off to bed now, however, as I have a very early wake-up call tomorrow morning in preparation for my trip to the Lakeside (outdoor) School.

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