Saturday, July 2, 2011

A Gangster Tour and the Magnificent Mile

This morning after breakfast my husband and I took an "Untouchable's Gangster Tour" of Chicago. We toured through the city in a black bus and saw many sights,

including the infamous John Dillinger theatre. Fun!

We ate lunch at Ed Debevic's, a tongue-in-cheek re-creation of a 1950s dinner (complete with Oreo milkshake and paper hats)

walked the "Mag Mile"

purchased new sunglasses at Nordstroms

took some picturesque shots of the amazing architecture,

including: Trump Towers and the Wrigley building (did you know this building sports a clock tower inspired by the bell tower of the grand cathedral in Seville, Spain? It's the landmark headquarters of- you guessed it- the Wrigley chewing-gum company),

and Marina City

before returning to our hotel. We are resting up before heading to dinner at Salpicon, a Mexican restaurant with amazing reviews! The big decision of the evening will be: what do we choose to eat?

Until later!

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