Monday, September 5, 2011

'Twas the Night Before Sixth Age

'Twas the night before 6th Age, when all through the town,
Mrs. Armstrong's students could be found sleeping sound.
6D was organized by their teacher with care,
In preparation for the fourteen who would soon be there.

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
while visions of Calvert danced in their heads.

When sunlight crept in through their windows that morn,
The students' lives as Sixth-Agers at Calvert were born.

This day was filled with crayons, nametags, and time spent outdoors,
Meeting new teachers, going on a school tour.

The day that followed was equally as fine,
as the students practiced their manners and walked in straight lines.

A Birthday For Bear was read to one and to each
to which we later celebrated with a cupcake feast!

At the end of this week, upon saying farewell-
before the final dismissal bell-

The 6's all left with a red balloon,
As their teachers said, "See you soon!"

I am so excited for a wonderful year,
Filled with celebrations and lots of cheer.

6D: I can already tell this is going to be
An unforgettable 2011-2012 journey!

Congratulations to my new students on a wonderful first week together!
Mrs. Armstrong

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