Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The 7's made elf glyphs in math- they are pretty funny! I even made one, and boy do I look silly as an elf! In case you are wondering what a glyph is, here goes:

Glyph: A symbol, such as a stylized figure or arrow on a public sign, that imparts information nonverbally.

The math students created their elfs in accordance with a code, which reads:

Body- Red- birthday in January- June
Body- Green- birthday in July- December

Neck Cowl- Striped- You like to wrap presents
Neck Cowl- Dotted- You don't like to wrap presents

Hat- Red- girl
Hat- Green- boy

Hat Cowl- Striped- You would like to be an elf
Hat Cowl- Dotted- You would not like to be an elf

Mittens- Red- You like warm weather
Mittens- Green- You like cold weather

Shoes- Red- You like to make snowmen
Shoes- Green- You like to go sledding

Arms and Legs- Striped Red and White- You like candy canes
Arms and Legs- Striped Green and White- You don't like candy canes

What can you figure out about our elves in relation to the code?

Have fun looking! I know we did!

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