Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Block Island 2009

Hello ALL! I have been enjoying a few wonderful days on Block Island, Rhode Island with my parents, grandmother (we call her Buszia- this is Polish for grandmother), and husband.

The trip began with a nearly impossible drive; even though we left early in the morning on Friday, we still hit loads of traffic. What should have taken 5.5 hours took a little under 9! There is no easy way to get to Block Island either. If you decide to fly, a commercial flight from BWI will take you into Providence; from here you take an hour cab ride to the ferry station at Pt. Judith/ Galilee, then hop on the ferry (the traditional ferry ride takes 55 minutes; the highspeed takes 30), and then- you are HERE! It is totally worth it though. My parents drive so they can bring their car over on the island, and this year Greg and I drove separately as we will be leaving before them.

This island is very relaxing! We are staying at the Spring House Hotel whose motto is "The Only Thing We Overlook Is the Ocean." Block Island is a great place to bike ride so I brought my bike!

Today Greg and I took a bike ride to the Northeast light house- a 6 mile bike round trip!

I hope all is well with you and I will post again soon!

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