Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A Smoothie Operation

The mathematicians have been working with Mrs. DeLorbe's class this week to review measurement. We talked about the different tools one would use when measuring before we practiced measuring out one cup of rice using a 1/3, 1/4, and 1/2 measuring cups. Take a peek at the video for a demonstration. We left the students with one clue about the remainder of the week- it would prove to be delicious, but each student would need to put their measuring skills to the test!

Day two began with a cookbook recipe for smoothies. What kinds of ingredients might you add? We brainstormed fruits, yogurt, juice, and even ice. Many different varieties of smoothies are available for you to try! Each child then needed to make their own smoothie recipe utilizing one cup of the following fruits: blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries. All or one of the fruits could be used in their recipes.
On day three, Mrs. Armstrong's classroom magically transformed into a smoothie shop! When the bell rang and your order was taken, you would gather your ingredients at the ingredient bar (picking either juice or yogurt to be added as well) before Mrs. Armstrong or Mrs. DeLorbe blended them together. Afterwards you could choose a colorful lei and drink umbrella to take home.

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