Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A B C Silly Bands

I recently picked up a batch of silly bands from the store (I had to see what the craze was all about). To my new 6D friends: can you figure out which letters of the alphabet are missing? I'll give you a clue- there are seven missing in total. Good luck!

Summer 2010

Happy Summer! I hope all of my Calvert friends have been enjoying their time away or at home with family and friends. I have had an incredibly busy summer and have barely spent anytime at home. My husband and I have been busy traveling with friends, family, and each other! We recently returned from an Alaskan cruise, and even spent a few days in Vancouver and Victoria, British Columbia. While in Vancouver we biked our way through Stanley Park (it's bigger than Central Park in New York) and saw magnificent views of the Lions Gate Bridge. Plus the weather was perfect- 70 degrees with a nice breeze! It beat our 100 degree Baltimore weather, I do have to say. Below is a photo of me in Stanley Park, with views of the Pacific Ocean and Olympic mountains. Did you remember that the 2010 Winter Olympics were in Vancouver?

Our cruise took us to Ketchikan and Sitka, Alaska. Here was a typical view from atop the ship.
We had great weather the whole trip. On our stop to Ketchikan, affectionately called the "Salmon Capital of the World", we went ziplining through the Tongass National Rainforest (did you know there is a rainforest in Alaska?).

If you look closely you can see me- black pants and blue jacket- in front of the Ketchikan sign.

The second and last city we visited in Alaska was Sitka, where we went on a highspeed inflatable boat tour and ATVing through the Tongass. We saw whales, sea lions, sea otters, and bald eagles on our boat tour, and took in some magnificent views atop a large hilly island. The sand in this area is black from the volcanic ash (I learned there are volcanoes in Alaska) and the weather in these two cities is modest, with 60 degree summers and 20 degree winters, because of their maritime climate. The ocean here does not freeze! Here is a sea lion laying lazily about a green marker in the Sitka Sound.

Here is my husband and I next to our "rhino" or ATV. The ride was actually quite pleasant with few bumps, if you were wondering. It's a good thing those vehicles have amazing shocks!

On our last city tour, we visited Craigdarrach Castle in Victoria, and took in the amazing array of nature on the island. Victoria is one of the cleanest cities!

One other interesting thing about this part of the world is that floatplanes are everywhere! I would love to take a floatplane tour someday.

In addition to Alaska, I returned to Block Island, Rhode Island with my parents. We stayed in a cottage behind the Spring House. We rented a moped one day and took some great pictures of our favorite spots on the island.
The Southeast Lighthouse
The Mohegan Bluffs

Golfing in someone's front yard (you think I'm kidding, but they actually had a miniature course with three holes and a some putters next to a bench! The sign read, "Sit your butt or take a putt!" We, of course, chose the latter.)
The Block Island airport and Bethany's diner (you need to go here for breakfast if you ever visit).

New Harbor and The Oar Restaurant (one of our favorite places to grab lunch).

the North Lighthouse

Now I am off on my last summer adventure to Tuscany, Italy! I leave tomorrow and will return before school begins! I promise to bring plenty of books to keep me entertained on my travels. Until then, Ciao!