Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Chia Pets

Do you remember Chia Pets??!

I do! What fun they were!

Mrs. McClernan came in today and taught 6D how to make Chia (or grass) pets of their own!

The steps were basic and the materials- cheap! You can make your own grass pet at home- all you need are:

(1) a yogurt container (for the base or "planter" part of the pet)

(2) 1 stocking or pantyhose leg

(3) grass seed

(4) potting soil

(5) any decorative materials- we used sticker buttons and gems, and plastic sunglasses.

We positioned our grass pets on the window sill so they would receive ample sunlight. More pictures will come soon once the grass has begun to grow.

Thank you, Mrs. McClernan for planning such a fun springtime activity!

1 comment:

Mrs. DeLorbe said...

What a GREAT idea :) This is such a fun springtime activity.