Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Parlez-vous francais?

In preparation for my August trip to France, I enlisted the tutoring of Calvert's very own Madame Cooke!
Having studied both Spanish and Italian in school, I wanted to learn the basics of French before departing. My two friends, Katie and Molly, and I have been gathering at Madame Cooke's house two times per week over the past month for a few hours to learn the following:
-formal and informal greetings
-the alphabet
-French numbers
-how to ask a shopkeeper for the price of an item
-how to tell time
-directions; where something is located
-food and drink names in French; how to order in a restaurant
-places of interest in Paris: museums, cathedrals, etc.
-how to use the Paris metro
-and much more!

Madame Cooke has been quite encouraging as I have learned how to pronounce and speak french authentically. I am now even more excited for my trip abroad! Thursday afternoon is our final french session, where no english-speaking will be allowed. Wish me luck!

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