Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Mrs. Whitman Visits 6D

"How is your engine running?"

My students often hear me ask them this question in the morning during opening.  Our engines are our bodies, and from the early fall we have been discussing how we can make our engines run smoothly.  Ten to twelve hours of sleep each evening, as well as eating a healthy breakfast will help our engines run nicely during the school day.  Kind words from friends and running around outdoors during recess helps our engines run at premium speed.

Oftentimes students answer that their engines are hungry or tired.  I remind students that snack and rest time after recess are wonderful moments for our bodies to recharge.  How fortunate that the Sixth Age schedule additionally includes two outdoor recesses every day and P.E. four times a week!

Of late, many students' engines have been running at low speed, so I took the liberty of inviting Mrs. Whitman, our school nurse, into 6D to speak about being healthy as colder weather approaches.  She stressed the importance of handwashing, as well as noted what symptoms warrant a trip to her nurse's office.  A small bruise, headache, or sore can usually be cured by yours truly!

Next, Mrs. Whitman reminded the students the benefits of daily exercise.  She instructed the students on how to listen for their heartbeats using a special nurse's tool called a stethoscope. The children enjoyed practicing on their own.

6D enjoyed her visit and I am thankful for the time she spent sharing this information.  Thank you, Nurse Whitman!

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