Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Activist Project

The 6D students have been discussing activism in class over the past several weeks.  Students defined this word and later discussed ways they could be activists in their own communities.  An idea which was spurred during discussion of activism was feeding the hungry, or less fortunate.  With support and guidance from Mrs. Nabit, a 6D class parent, students put this idea into practice last week by making a variety of food items which were donated to Our Daily Bread in Baltimore. 

After an initial discussion led by Mrs. Nabit, students were divided into small groups in the cafeteria.  Each group was responsible for putting together one of the following items:
  • apple butter and cheese sandwiches
  • sunbutter and jelly sandwiches
  • vegetable snack bags
  • trail mix snack bags
Each group was able to rotate through every food station.  The class also wore gloves to protect the donated food from germs. 
Vegetable snack bags are organized by a cheerful student.

Carefully spreading sunbutter and jelly onto delicious sandwich bread

Trail mix is carefully placed into small baggies for distribution at Our Daily Bread in Baltimore.

I am pleased with 6D's teamwork throughout this activity- and I really believe the students felt empowered in their role as "activists".  Thank you to Mrs. Nabit for providing the supplies and for spearheading this project!

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