Monday, April 9, 2012

Swiss Visitors

The 6D students received a very special package in the mail last week from the Swiss International School in Zurich!  You may recall that I had an opportunity to visit this school when I traveled on my Garrett Grant trip to this city during the spring of 2011.

Inside of the package was Flat Stanley and a special journal highlighting his adventures in Zurich and in England.  He has certainly been a busy traveler!  Students from a classroom in England had even mailed along a friend for Flat Stanley- Flat James!  The 6D students have been asked to spend the next two weeks with these two "young" men before completing a page each in his journal.  Below are a few highlights of Flat Stanley and James' adventures here at Calvert thus far:
Flat Stanley and Flat James practice their handwriting with sidewalk chalk by the gazebo and Molly's Garden!

Flat Stanley and Flat James meet cafeteria staff on their way through the lunch line!

Dessert happens to be their favorite part of the meal!

Both boys sat together at lunch!

Flat Stanley and Flat James joined us for an Easter egg hunt on Friday.  This is a photo before eggs were found....

...and here are collected eggs!

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