Friday, September 21, 2012

Nurse Whitman Visits 6D

Yesterday afternoon Nurse Whitman visited 6D.  She talked with the students about germs and the importance of hand washing throughout the day here at school.  She even performed a fun experiment with the class using Vaseline and "glitter" germs.  She began by rubbing the Vaseline and glitter germ concoction on a student's hands.  She told a pretend story of this student exchanging a handshake and high-fives with other classmates- all the while spreading "glitter" germs!   Although you cannot see germs in real-life, the students were able to see how easy it is to spread germs.  The experiment ended with the students washing their hands thoroughly.  Special tricks Nurse Whitman taught the class were to:

  • use lots of soap to create a lather
  • sing the "Happy Birthday" song while you wash- by the time you are finished singing, you hands should be ready to be rinsed
  • turn off the faucet with a papertowel- this will prevent the further spread of germs
Nurse Whitman explains the germ experiment.

A student with lots of glitter germs!
Thank you, Nurse Whitman! We look forward to having you visit us again in the winter.

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