Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Would you rather:

jump off of the Empire State Building (and land safely, I'm assuming)


eat a Kit Kat Bar??

This is a question I heard a group of 7's asking each other today while walking the hallways...Ahh, the joys of youth! And you guessed correct- they chose the Kit Kat bar! I remember when eating candy seemed like a real treat! Now it's a gluttony (haha).

Speaking of 7's, my Science classes and I have had fun on GoogleEarth this week, learning about the continents, oceans, countries, and terrain of the world. In one such class we visited San Francisco and viewed recent satellite images, and were even able to see the architecture (buildings, schools, landscape) in 3D! It is the coolest thing EVER. We pretended we were in a rocketship landing on different parts of the world- and we even saw Calvert School.

I think this made the world seem a little smaller- and yes, I'll admit- I am definitely using GoogleEarth to scope out my next destination of choice before visiting!

Have a good one!

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