Friday, February 27, 2009

We are working on our fluency in 7th Age Reading! With this in mind each student was given a short poem to take home in the beginning of the week. They practiced reading it to a friend in class, and then at home to a parent. We talked about ways to enhance our oral reading- adding inflection to our voice, looking at our audience when we speak, and making sure our voice is loud for all to hear. Today we held a poetry reading, and read these poems to our friends. We did a terrific job!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

We read our newest story, Dan's Pet. It is about a boy named Dan who has a pet chick named Jen. As Jen grows, she gets bigger, and bigger. Finally one day Jen has chicks of her own! We liked this story because we learned a lot about how a chick grows. Click on the video to hear us reading this story!

We estimated crayons last Friday. Can you guess how many?

There are 31 crayons in the jar!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Last Friday we estimated crayons. Can you guess how many??

The correct estimate is 35!! Nice work!

The mathematicians recently made a large clock, using marshmallows to showcase the minute marks. We used the larger marshmallows at 5 minute intervals, and the smaller marshmallows to show all the remaining minutes.

The marshmallows were such a temptation...we just had to try a few! This was a fun project :)