Friday, September 11, 2009


As many of you may already know, I have a twin sister. Her name is Shannon, and we are fraternal twins, which means we do not look alike. Even though we are twins, we are different in many ways. When we were younger, I liked ballet and Shannon liked to play sports, Shannon's favorite color was purple and mine was pink, Shannon liked to play GIJoe, and I liked to play with dolls. However, we also have many things in common! Shannon and I both liked to color, our favorite icecream flavor is mint chocolate chip, and we enjoy running.
Shannon and I went to school together from preschool through college! We shared a room growing up and always shared a locker. I love my twin!

Did you know there are other teachers at Calvert School with a twin? Mrs. Elliot, Mrs. Williams, and Mr. Shep ALL HAVE A TWIN!
Something special about this year is that there are 4 sets of twins in 6th age- with one of each set in 6D! I definitely thought it was fate that they all landed here in this room :)

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