Monday, January 25, 2010

Race to a Whole! Fractions Game

We have been learning about fractions in math! After making a series of fraction pieces to fill a WHOLE piece of paper, we used a fraction dice and worked with a partner to play! Listen to this student give us directions.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Star of the Week

Our Star of the Week showed us some pretty adorable baby pictures! She likes to ski with her family and recently went to Switzerland. She likes hanging out with her family dog, Callie. Thank you, Star of the Week! We enjoyed learning more about you!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

South America

During the upcoming months in Geography (which began this month- January), each Sixth Age class will rotate among teachers for a continental visit! When students visit me, they will learn about the continent of South America!
This past week 6C went on a taste exploration of South America. We sampled mango juice, which comes from the mango, a sweet fruit widley grown throughout South America; smelled coffee beans and coffee grounds from the country of Columbia; and tried cacao, which is an ingredient used in chocolate production.

Star of the Week

Our last Star of the Week shared before the holiday break. We learned a lot about this friend! She likes water sports and is good at soccer. Nice job sharing, Star of the Week!

Shapes and Tangrams

We have been studying two and three dimensional shapes in math. During this partner project, we colored in two congruent shapes the same color, and then used tangrams to cover these shapes in different ways. Shapes highlighted in this lesson included hexagons, diamonds, and trapezoids.

The 6D Tree

We visited our tree earlier this week! What cold and blistery weather we encountered! We made sure to wear all of the appropriate weather gear, including hats, gloves/mittens, a heavy coat, and scarves. It has been fun visiting our tree in each season.

Go, Ravens!

6D shows their purple pride last Friday in honor of the Ravens game! This Friday will be another spirited football dress down!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Picture Perfect 6D!

Here are some photos I took of 6D reading! They didn't know I was taking the photos...but they are examples of great teamwork and friendship that have developed over the past couple of months in the classroom. The additional photo is of a 6D student who had fun playing with the Mr. Potato Heads!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Winter Break

I enjoyed visiting with family and friends locally over break, and had a good time playing in the snow! Some highlights of my break included visiting the Antrim 1844 Inn in Tawneytown and spending time with friends at our house on New Year's Eve.

The Holidays and Winter Break!

We are back in school after a wonderfully relaxing break! 6D and I had a nice time singing songs at our sing-a-long in December! We were able to dress down in holiday colors and received antler ears and red noses to resemble reindeer!