Tuesday, February 2, 2010

'Smores Fraction Fun!

Yesterday we made 'smores in math as we furthered our study of fractions! We each received 1 whole graham cracker, 8 mini marshmallows, and 8 mini pieces of chocolate. We were asked to prepare 1 'smore! Some friends broke apart their graham cracker and made a 'smore sandwich, while others used the whole graham cracker as the base. Either way, a delectable treat was waiting for us to enjoy- when....ding dong! The doorbell rang!

Just then another friend appeared. They wanted half of our 'smore. Because we are so generous, we decided to break the smore in half, with equal pieces for the two of us.

Just as we were about to enjoy half of our smore, ding dong! ding dong! The doorball rang! This time, two more friends appeared! Now we needed to split each 'smore half- in HALF! This would equal one fourth (1/4) for each of us.

Luckily we were able to enjoy our 'smore in the end! Nice job, math friends!

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