Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A Morning Visit to Beijing!

This morning my reading class and I visited Beijing! I know what you're thinking- how were you able to get there and back with time to spare? Well, with the help of my friend, Derek, of course!
Derek is my brother-in-law and he is a scientist. Part of his job involves traveling to other continents and countries. His most recent trip was to Switzerland and Beijing. Tomorrow he leaves for India. What an exciting profession!
I talked to my class about Derek and told them about his job. We brainstormed questions we could ask Derek. Some ideas were-
What kinds of food do you eat in China?
Did you travel by boat to get there?
Have you seen any other Americans on your trip?
What time is it in China?

We had fun talking to Derek on Skype! He told us that the Olympics were in Beijing a few years ago, and even taught us how to say hello and goodbye in Chinese!

Thank you, Derek! We hope to talk to you again soon!

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