Thursday, June 17, 2010

Guatemalan Worry Dolls

On Day #3 of camp, the Darling Dolls campers created worry dolls. Worry dolls are from Guatemala, and are used to help people (especially children) shed their anxieties. As folklore explains, in telling one worry to a worry doll and placing it under your pillow before you go to bed, the doll will take the worry from you. Worry dolls date back to Mayan traditions.
A variety of media was utilized to create these special dolls, including long pipe cleaners, beads, fabric, string, markers, glue and sand.
We began this project by stringing a large bead through a pipe cleaner. By twisting the pipe cleaner we were able to form the outline of the doll's body.
The girls then wrapped colored yarn (and later fabric) around the pipe cleaner body.

Doll faces were created with fine tip markers. To create hair, the heads were dipped in glue and then colored sand.
What fantastic work!

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