Thursday, June 3, 2010

Math Scavenger Hunt

The mathematicians rounded out the year by learning how to use the digital cameras and then going on a math scavenger hunt around Calvert!
On the first day of this project, Mrs. Delorbe's math class and I gathered together to learn about how to use the cameras. We worked in groups of two and practiced taking photos around the room. We learned about how to hold the camera (putting the camera string around our wrist), as well as how to view previous pictures taken.

Mrs. Frederick came over from the middle school and instructed us how to use the cameras. Below are pictures of some math friends being creative!

On day two, groups of four or five friends were paired with an adult faculty or staff member and given a camera along with a list of measurement tools. Some examples of items to find on the hunt included "An object 10 paperclips long", "An object as high as your waist", as well as "An object as wide as your fist". There were ten items total on the list. Some friends walked through the hallways, into Kiddie Calvert, and over to the middle school to hunt for items on their list and then document them with a photograph. WOW! I was impressed by the teamwork and creativity on part of all of the students (and adults) involved. Nice job!
On days three and four, each group presented their photos in front of the class with help from the projector. Each team member took a turn using the pointer and describing the objects they photographed, as well as where they found each item.

What a positive way to end the year! I am proud of your hard work, math friends! Keep practicing your skills this summer!

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