Monday, January 24, 2011

A South American Adventure!

Hola! Mrs. Miles' class recently went on a four week journey with me to South America! Before our trip we reviewed the definition of the word continent (a large piece of land) and colored in a map of South America.

Later, we studied a specific area called the Amazon Rainforest. We made a book that helped us to determine how the rainforest is layered, and what animals live within each layer.

Before we departed, we couldn't forget our plane tickets or passports! We conveniently flew via CALVERT AIR: The Curious Traveler Who Flies With a Purpose!

On our visit, we saw an anaconda! Thank goodness it was tame enough to bring home!

Nice job, friends! I had fun traveling with you! Don't forget to check in your mailboxes for your travel goodies.

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