Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Hunting for Squirrels and Squirrel Food

Last week Miles' 6C class and the 6D students joined forces for outdoor learning.  The children were on a hunt for squirrels and squirrel food on Calvert's campus!
Students tour Molly's Garden  in search of squirrels and squirrel food.
The lesson began with a brief introduction and a tour of many outdoor spaces.  Students utilized clipboards as writing surfaces and colored in a special graph when they had found a squirrel, seeds, acorns, or nuts.

We spotted a squirrel near Castalia...

...and we bet more live in this "squirrel hole"! 

Students gathered on the grass upon completing the graphing activity for a relaxing rest, led by Mrs. Miles. 

Both classes practiced deep breathing and meditation,

and took a brief nap below the Castalia trees.  

This is the view looking up into the trees.  Can you tell that it was a beautiful day? 

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