Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Outdoor Learning

The 6D students will spend much of their time this year learning outside.  Mrs. Miles' 6C class and the 6D students will partner together once per month for a special outdoor activity.

The beginning of this outdoor time takes place in the gazebo.  A teacher dings a triangle to announce the start of the meeting.  Students sit quietly to listen to the day's activity.
Mrs. Miles announces the start of our outdoor meeting.
 Students were partnered off in groups of two or three, where they transitioned to the grass for special breathing called "nature breathing" and reflection, led by Mrs. Miles.

A student closes her eyes for reflection while practicing nature breathing.

Students partner up for nature breathing.
 Mrs. Miles then led the group in two basic yoga poses: downward and upward dog.

Students model downward and upward dog poses.
Upon completion of the yoga poses, students laid on the grass and took a quiet rest.  They made sure their bodies were completely relaxed.

Students walk in a line through Molly's Garden to tour the outdoor boundaries at Calvert.
We then toured the outdoor areas at Calvert, addressing boundaries to the students.  They will soon complete a Calvert map where they will draw in these boundaries with crayon.

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