Thursday, February 3, 2011

Chinese New Year

Happy New Year! Today is Chinese New Year and it is the year of the rabbit. We had a fantastic assembly in the middle school gymnasium this morning celebrating the special occasion. I was so excited to have remembered my camera because I captured the below image, which perfectly represents the range of emotions as we watched Chinese acrobats master feats of balance, agility, and bravery! The above students were anxiously watching a Chinese acrobat hold a sword in his mouth while balancing a plastic ball (yes, you read correctly- PLASTIC BALL!) and not one not four not seven but eight glasses on top! Here he is showing the students in the front row that yes, indeed, they were actually glasses (made of real glass and not plastic). We saw a unicyclist on a regular and extra-large sized unicycle... ...and this is how we were feeling: Check it out for yourself!

We witnessed a cool hula hooper ("the human slinky" affectionally named by a fellow audience member),

viewed an out-of-this-world juggling act (with blue hats),

and, lastly, saw some

pretty amazing,

wonderfully awesome,
truly astounding,
"do-not-try-this-at-home" kids
Thank you, Calvert, for an amazing celebration!
Learn more about Chinese New Year here.

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