Monday, March 8, 2010

Brain Break!

Throughout the day 6D will frequently take a "brain break". These are activities that are used whenever the energy level of the class needs a boost or just prior to introducing an important concept. The activities are simple and short, yet succeed in waking up the brain and priming it for learning.
An example of an activity which we frequently practice is called "Pass It Along". Students stand in a circle, cross their arms and hold hands. Having students cross their arms helps them stimulate cross- hemisphere brain connections, "waking up" both sides and getting the brain more ready to learn. The group starts off by squeezing the person's hand to the right. Each person then passes the squeeze along to the next person. We will frequently try it again by sending a squeeze to the left and the right at about the same time. Another variation includes closing our eyes while passing the squeeze.
Afterwards the children are usually quite energized to continue forth in their day. Here is a video of us practicing this game. (We say "Got it!" when we have received the squeeze.)

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