Wednesday, May 18, 2011

6th Age Geography Play

Throughout the year, the 6th Age has been studying the continents of the world. This knowledge was depicted in a Geography Play this week, where all of the 6th Agers performed in front of the lower school student body and parents. For this play, each 6th Age class represented a continent:
6A- Europe
6B- Australia
6C- Africa
6E- Asia
and 6D- South America
North America and Antarctica were covered in our homerooms throughout the year.
Each 6D student chose a country from South America (there are 13 total) and spoke a rhyming fact (about this country) on stage. Then, they sang a song about the rainforest and used their binoculars as props.

I am so proud of your efforts and hard work, 6D! You did an absolutely phenomenal job!
Mrs. Armstrong

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