Sunday, May 15, 2011

Money, Money, Money!

The 6th Age mathematicians have been learning about money over the past few weeks. Enthusiastic about this unit, students brought in currency from other countries to share with their classmates. Coins and bills from Switzerland, Costa Rica, Singapore, Australia, England, and the Euro made their way into our hands for further examination.

In addition to studying currency from other places, the 6th Age students spent time learning about American money. They listened to stories about American coins and made subsequent coin rubbings during each day of focus.

To wrap up this unit, the students learned about the importance of saving and are creating piggybanks. To begin their banks, they are decoupaging empty gatorade bottles with pink tissue paper squares, before adding a tail, eyes, and ears. The bottlecap will be the mouth and opening, where coins and bills for saving can be inserted.

Stay tuned for a posting of the final piggybanks, and kudos to the mathematicians for their initial efforts!

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