Thursday, May 26, 2011

A bird? A plane? No- it's Mrs. Armstrong!

I know what you're thinking- Mrs. Armstrong? A rock climber? Alas, it is true! This past weekend one of my students invited me to learn the art of rock climbing at Earth Treks in Timonium. This is a photo of what the facility looks like inside.

Here is a photo of my student and I with our instructor. Notice the harnass, special shoes, and rock climbing lines.

My student (he's only 6!) has been learning and practicing his skills for quite some time and was seriously impressive. He is mastering knot tying, positioning his feet and hands, and letting go of his fears. I am so proud of his hard work!

Here he is making it look so easy... and for the record- he made it all the way to the top!

When it came to be my turn to climb, I followed my student's lead by letting go of my fears and insecurities, and ended up having a terrific time! Thank to you my student and his mom for making this opportunity possible.

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