Monday, July 11, 2011

Environmental Print

What is environmental print?

It is print found all around us- on road signs, stores, and even cereal boxes.

Here is a fun activity you can do at home to catalog the environmental print you and your child find together.


Step 1. Reuse an old binder for storage of print you find.

Step 2. Find a suitable way to organize your binder. I use:

  • clear plastic binder sheets - These are great in protecting paper print from getting soiled or ripped.

  • dividers - I have organized my print collection as a grocery store organizes it's aisles (fruits and vegetables come first, then dairy, then poultry, etc.), but it can also be organized alphabetically, or by meal options (a milk, chicken, and rice photo can be sorted together as a make-believe meal, for example).

Step 3. Start collecting print...there's so much out there!

Good places to search are on the food packages themselves. I often cut off the name of the item with scissors before depositing the remaining piece in the recycling bin.

Step 4. You can decorate the front of your book. I also like to put some paper and pencils inside for my students to make grocery lists of their own.

Click here to find additional information about environmental print and fun activities to enhance learning at home!

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