Monday, November 14, 2011

Thanksgiving Play

It's that time of year again...time for the annual Pilot & 6th Age Thanksgiving Play!  The Pilot boys and girls will be the Pilgrims and the 6th Age boys and girls will be the Native Americans.

In honoring the true spirit of the Wompanoag tribe, the 6th Age students will be creating costumes that are reflective of what the men and women of this tribe would have worn during the first Thanksgiving.  Take a look at the following pictures which will serve as a guide:

The boys will make decorative breechcloths (to be worn over khaki pants), a pasta necklace, and a simple headdress with one feather.  In addition, they will wear a mantle (to resemble an animal skin) and red face paint.  Did you know red was a popular color of the Wompanoag tribe?
The girls will make fringed skirts (to most likely be worn over their jumpers) and a pasta necklace.  They will also wear a mantle and red face paint.

The play will begin promptly at 11:00- we look forward to sharing the festivities with you at this time!  A special thanks goes out to Mrs. Elliot, our music teacher, who has spent countless hours prepping the students in song over the past several weeks.  Thank you, Mrs. Elliot!

1 comment:

Buy WoW Accounts said...

The way you guys will celebrate it sounds fun! And the tribe seems interesting too!

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