Sunday, October 4, 2009

Something Made Of Wood

This week's sharing was "something made of wood". We brainstormed as a class a week before on possible items to bring in. These included a bird's nest, a stick from outside...a friend suggested they could bring in their bed from home! We decided the bed would probably be too large to fit inside of our bookbag. I was a little curious what would come in to school, and I was truly surprised on Monday morning when sharing began...(drum roll please):
A seesaw from a dollhouse is made of wood.

A box decorated with gems in made of wood.

This is a wooden frog. When you take the peg from it's mouth and roll it over it's back, it makes a frog sound!

A golfball; the brown one is made of wood.

Jenga is a game made of wooden rectangular blocks.

This friend brought in 3 wooden animal cars, and a town made of wood!

A surfboard keychain is made of wood

This friend decorated a wooden birdhouse!

This friend built a wooden model jeep!

These toy animals are made of wood.

This is a letter from this friend's name, and (yes, you guessed it)- it's made of wood!

These are teeny tiny wooden people.

And these are ladybugs!

YAY for Sharing!

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