Thursday, February 24, 2011

Dr. Greg Mortenson

Today in class, we listened to this book

and learned about Dr. Greg Mortenson.
High in the Pakistan mountains, Dr. Greg's story as an activist begins after a long and arduous climbing expedition. Upon losing his traveling companions, he grew weary and tired and accidentally stumbled upon a small village named Korphe. The villagers warmly welcomed Dr. Greg and nursed him back to health. In thanksgiving, Dr. Greg wanted to thank the village for their kindness. He came back to the United States to gather money and support. When he returned, he worked with the villagers to build a bridge and a school.

The 6D students decided to add Dr. Greg Mortenson to our activist wall because he found a need to help others. By building a school and a bridge in Korphe, students now have a place to learn. Dr. Greg is also continuing to raise awareness about education throughout the world.

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