Sunday, February 6, 2011

Try Your Best skits

We recently finished reading the story TRY YOUR BEST in the 1.2 reader. This is a story involving four characters: Ann, Mr. York, Mort, and Jan.
Ann is a young girl who does not have confidence in herself on Sport's Day. Mr. York is her coach, and Jan and Mort her two friends. Ann's friends and coach boost her confidence throughout this story by saying, "Try your best," and "You helped us score," and even "Great job!" as she kicks a ball and climbs a rope. At the conclusion of the story the group must run a race but do not have enough teammates. They ask Mr. York to run, but he responds that he "isn't very fast." It is then Ann's job to boost Mr. York's confidence!
After carefully re-reading the story in small groups, we chose characters from the story to personify in a small skits. See below for complete versions of two skits:

In addition to performing the skits, we brainstormed teachers at Calvert who have helped us to try our best. We chose one of these teachers to be the recipient of a hand-written thank you. We are looking forward to delivering these thank yous soon!

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