Monday, February 14, 2011

/SH/, /TH/ and /CH/ DIGRAPHS

We reviewed the /SH/, /TH/, and /CH/ digraphs in class by making a fold-up book. We began by reviewing the definition of a digraph: when two letters come together to make a new sound. By labeling each flap of our book with a digraph in letter form, we were able to flip it up to find a matching picture and word representation. We formulated a word list that would correspond with each digraph as well.
For /SH/, one friend brainstormed the word "shucks", and then drew a picture to represent this word. I'll admit, I was skeptical at first, but then look what I saw:

Pretty clever, huh?

The readers did a terrific job with this project! Tomorrow we will play a fun digraph game where the students will need to recall these sounds.

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